Friday, December 19, 2008


I am back.. and am alive. Sorry for my delayed reporting... These days has been very hectic and very sad.Homage to all those who gave up their lives for the the country and its people.
My days are been spent finding differnt avenues for money.. Money to live.. Money to happy and prosperous life.
I did about 20 cold callings today and generated atleast 5 leads. Meetings will follow and If luck favors will close the deal in a week... GOOD WORK FOR THE GOOD OF ALL...
I want all.. When you marry and when you are on your own...Its beautifful life alltogether. You take your own decisions. You are the Boss , You Love it. But Yes, the Old saying... Aate Daal Ka Bhav Maloom Chal Jata Hai. But still you enjoy it.
Blogging needs lot of preservance , commitment and descipline. This what I am trying to learn from my Boss , none other than Amitabh Bachchan. Go to his blog at and you will find it for yourself. His writing skills, language and varied subjects of discussion are all out of this world. None can compare.

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