Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ferrocement The future .




                                              FERROCEMENT ROOF SPAN 10000 Sq FT

                                              FERROCEMENT ROOF SPAN 10000 Sq FT

                                              OVERHEAD TANK ABOVE THE TOWER

                                                   ROOF UNDER CONSTRUCTION Instagram

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Chaos in UP

UP has always been the land of chaos. I belong to the the eastern most district of UP. The Kushinagar district. the land where lord Buddha attained freedom from the world. I remember during my childhood when we use to visit our village during the summer vacations we always felt something missing. A gap in the society. My neighbor use  to be very happy when we visited but were not allowed to enter the house or they didn't enter on their own.
They used to sit on the ground and  there were separate vessels to offer them tea which they used to wash and keep in in the cow shed to use the next time when they came. I wasn't able to realize the fact behind but as I grew up the ugly face of the society was unveiled.
The condition of the women in the society has always been deplorable. I remember a women been beaten to almost death with a man along on an allegation or truth it might be of having an affair. I wasn't able to bear that and remember of crying the day long compelling my father to send me to my Nana Jis place for the remaining vacations.
Now when I am 36 I still find no difference in the attitude of the people in UP. There has been a noticeable infrastructure development but the mind still the same. Politics is inherent, class divisions, women apathy still rule respective of what come may.
It is to bee seen why during the SP rule the conditions worsen. A friend of mine who boast of being a known SP leader with connections to the  SP top brass applauds the SP hierarchy, saying that the SP stand for it comrades in each of the situation right or wrong. Right understandable Wrong Why. Needs to be asked.?
This position has led to rise of hooliganism and gondaism in the tutpujiya Netas . A big SUV( mostly bought from the money recieved by selling lands to the builders) with a lad of 22 in full speed with a hooter and the SP flag is an everyday sight in UP. Dare you to say anything and you could be thrashed like anything in public.

This need to change and I feel that SP needs to do something about it.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Turning 36

Turning 36 today.
New ideas, new Vigor Creeps in.

Hoping for the best, the following Year.
