Saturday, June 18, 2011

a new mobile

Yeahhhhh.. Going to buy a new mobile phone.. ..ho ho ho ho... heeeee. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee.

End of Ramdev

i was going through a very interesting article on  baba Ramdev failure on this anti-corruption Lokpal issue. he started well and then he blew it up as the author Sachin puts it. It was end to the whole campaign. There are some interesting investigative article in this weeks tehelka wherein the writer  has noted down how ramdev established his multi million empire.
 But one thing i want to put up and that is no one can ignore ramdev. he has got the numbers and this could be seen in the next election in 2014. he can also come up with his own Anulom-Vilom party and can stuck a deal.
Now its us to see what liest Next... he he..

Thursday, June 9, 2011

के बनी करोडपति

का हो..आज बड़ा मजा आइल..' के बनी करोडपति देख के '.. एकर होस्ट शत्रुघ्न सिन्हा बड़े .. हमारा के इनके होस्टिंग कहीं से भी अमिताभ बच्चन से कम ना लागल..बड़ा मज़ा आइल . आपो देखीं आ मज़ा मारीं !