Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ten Tenaaaaan..Tenana


मैं 'फ' को 'फ' बोलता हूँ.....अबे भोंसड़ी के...'फ' को 'फ' नहीं बोलेगा तो क्या 'ल' बोलेगा.. Ha ha .. It was great really.. Awesome movie yaar.. Great interpretation of the charcters.. wonderfully performed by Shahid kapoor.. The subtle BGM brings a new dimension to the story... like the Ten Tenaaan.. Tennnanan..and the run that follow.. Wow,, Hats off.. Vishal Bharadwaj..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Work and no play.

All lost,, Haaaaaa,, sad. Need to start again. Atleast 50 words of authorship got lost to  this  $%#^@#..Ok so the start of the most awaited project i.e Saphire Amrapali has brought some time to rest.Need to add workers at the earliest. atleast 10 comprising of welders and mason. Amrapali Leiure valley needs to be started as well. Close to 900 water tanks and atleat 300 Archs. is awaiting there.. So these two projects can turn the life around if completed on time. There could be no looking back..
In the middle of all this the wives planned Haunted 3D, Mithuns son Mimoh now Mahaakshay second release after a flop Jimmy.. It was a collausal bore ,man.. Some of the shots were good though.
Life is complicated..Enjoy

Monday, May 2, 2011

Exclusively OSAMA

Obama v/s Osama...

Osama Killed.. Where from here?

So Osama is killed. in a mansion in Abottabad Pakistan. As per screams all over. abottabad is a cantt. area jahan parinda bhi par nahi maar sakta as we say in hindi, so how come he had a mansion 8 times bigger than the usual ones in the heart of the cantt. city.
The million dollar question now is will it rest the ongoing bomb strikes killing innocents all over the world..I dont think so.Osama was not in the middle of the helm of affairs of Alqaida for the last few years, but yes the ideological war that he led will continue to go on for years to come. As been predicted we should be ready for more action in days to come. Pakistan,India, US be Aware.. AlQaida Strikes back could be the Headlines.
Osama v/s Obama.. he he