Thursday, July 3, 2008

Love Marriage in India...Just Do it..


I am going to speak about Love Marriages in India.. Love marriages in India has always been very difficult, since the time of Laila-Majnu, Shiri- Farhaad & Soni -Mahiwaal.None of them were able to get their beloved. They died fighting the so called Riti & Riwaaz of the Samaj.There stories are wonderfully depicted in Indian movies..But the situation has still not changed . Everyday we come across News articles in Newspapers & electronic media stating Love Birds committing suicide....bringing sorrow & distress in mind and hearts of people , who believe LOVE is the biggest gift of GOD to mankind..

I appeal to all the Loved Couples not to lose heart and never think of taking such a drastic step like suicide...

I want to share my story,, I belong to a staunch Brahmin Family. I was in love to a girl who was from a different caste.. We had a long relationship and we tried tooth and nail, so that our marriage could be arranged, but with no joy... Like all the other loved couples we were afraid of the society..We always felt that if we eloped, it would bring humiliation to our family and hence we thought of commiting suicide.. Yes, thats true.... But destiny had something else for us..

JUST REMEMBER,ONCE YOU ARE MARRIED, NO BODY CARES--YOU MARRIED A GIRL OR A BITCH--- AlWAYS BEAWARE OF RISTEDAARS---- They will allways laugh ,whether you marry a girl or a BITCH....... This is what was told to us by one of our best friend----

We married in an ARYA SAMAJ MANDIR--- It was such a wonderfull experience, I cant explain in words--- I realised the reality of marriages--- MARRIAGES ARE MADE IN HEAVEN--- None of our parents were a part of the ceremony---Just 2 friends as witness--- Thats all you want Yaar, It doesnt make any difference whether you spent crores or 4000.. We are very happy. Yes,Parents are annoyed, but believe me everything would be settled.. Afterall all they want is their children KHUSHI....

So, if you planning to marry your Beloved. DONT WORRY--- Kuch Nahi Hoga Yaar,,,, JUST DO IT.




Sachin Palewar said...

Things are changing albeit slowly I will say. We were lucky that we managed to get our parents on our side and our love marriage was arranged :-)

However I know that you being a Brahmin, it wouldn't have been easy. In my opinion everybody should marry for love.

Unknown said...

Jodi Salamat Rahe