Hi ! Everybody.
Sorry Once again... I am late. Infact , this time I'm not resoponsible at all.
My life was hooked up like anything all these days. All around health issues.
First my beloved got down with Typhoid. Doctors,Hospitals and Medicines
was all that kept me frustrated.. APOLLO and ESCORT were the first and the
second to try their hand..Hell lot of expensive medicines followed with No joy.
After 1 long month of apprenticeship the doctor in APOLLO paved way for AIIMS.
Then came the actual trial period of my patience.. long Queue...running from one department to other
and others..Atlast relieved ..."She is fine Now , Need to have the precribed test every 15 days now", the Doctor
said. First time in my life , I came to know the reality of the married life, when there is no one to help you,No assistance Whatsoever. How much , FAMILY matters. I came to know.
It was only 10 days of healthy family.. when my younger brother got down with fever. First we thought it was
a general FLU... but NO , NO, NO.. it was the Devil. I was on my job, when I recievd an email stating... The Tests are postive to DENGUE , needs to hospitalization.. Platelets counts has decreased to 75000.
My BOSS was kind to relieve me instantly. I rushed home. and within an hour I was back to AIIMS in the Emergency. Within the next 4 hrs, got the result of the first test... Platelets..40000, 2nd test 25000, 3rd test 10000.. My GOD. Dobby felt unconscious. Requires Platelets.. No Platelets available.
Around 6am in the morning was anyhow was able to JUGAAD 2 units. Require another 8 units atleast.
The process is so slow in AIIMS that if you are not a man with patience you will die of Brain Hoemorrage,
Days passed...1,2,3,4,5... Platelest increased to 68000.. Doctors relieved us.. Test needs to be done every alternate day, drink lot of water, complete bed rest
Water created miracle.Within 3 days Platelet increased to 140000.. 1,55000, 1,68000..
But the very next Report told a different story.. platelet started decreasing again. Anxiety and fear mounted. My brother got frustrated.. It was not so tough to keep him going.. He never broke up..What a strong man he is ? Checks and checks and Check Ups.. At present undergoing treatment in GangaRam Hospital from one of the Best Doctor in Delhi.. He have diagonosed the disease, as lever infection . Platelest keeps on fluctuating.
In the meantime, My wife has again been attacked by the Typhoid Virus.. AIIMS Back again..
Love and Regards